Liebster Blog Award

I’ve been nominated for the Liebster Blog Award by AlwaysSunnyIn June!  This is a GREAT blog so check it out!  I’m so honored that I was picked for this award!  Thanks!
Official Rules!
1. Each person tagged must post 11 things about themselves.
2. They must also answer the 11 questions the ‘tagger’ has set for them.
3. They must create 11 more questions to ask bloggers they have decided to tag.
4. They must then choose 11 bloggers (if possible, with less than 200 followers) and tag them in their post.
5. These lucky bloggers must then be told.
6. There’s no tag backs.
I think the 11 things about myself can be answered in the questions that were created for me below:
My Questions To Answer!
1. Describe the style of your bedroom. Very classic with rich fabric.
2. What is your favorite place to shop and why? I have to pick only one????  Right now I LOVE to shop at H&M.  
3. Who is your celebrity crush? Cary Grant.
4. If you could meet anyone in the world who would it be? Stacy London.
5. Who or what is your fashion inspiration? Stacy London.
6. Who is your favorite music artist and why? Michael Tate, Toby Mac and Kevin Maxx-because I love every song by them.
7. If you had an extra empty room what would use it for? What wouldn’t I use it for…library, game room, media room, shoes…
8. What is your dream career? Travel journalist-who wouldn’t want to be paid to go on vacation?
9. If you could interview anyone who would it be and what would you ask? Stacy London-I would ask her to help me go through my wardrobe and go shopping with me!
10. What is your favorite competition show on TV? Sorry-I don’t ever watch competition shows.
11. What is your favoirte food? Could you eat it everyday of your life?(Yes, i know thats two questions) Mexican food and I probably could eat it every day.
My Questions For YOU To Answer!
1. If you could pick any view in the world for your home, what view would you want to see out of your windows?
2. What is your favorite place to shop? 
3. Who is your celebrity crush? 
4. What is your fashion style? 
5. Who or what is your fashion inspiration? 
6. What is your favorite song? 
7. If you had an extra empty room, what would use it for? 
8. What is your dream career? 
9. What is your favorite movie? 
10. What is your favorite TV show? 
11. What is your favorite food?  
I Nominate….(in no particular order)

11 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. The Haute Frugalista
    Aug 22, 2012 @ 09:53:22

    thank you so much for thinking of me!!! those are very interesting questions to answer!! I will be mentioning you on my next post!!


  2. Misty
    Aug 22, 2012 @ 10:20:07

    1. If you could pick any view in the world for your home, what view would you want to see out of your windows? A tropical Island with nothing but beautiful crystal clear water.
    2. What is your favorite place to shop? Nordstram Rack

    3. Who is your celebrity crush? Jensen Ackles

    4. What is your fashion style? I go with the flow…it’s always changing and evolving with my surroundings and seasons.

    5. Who or what is your fashion inspiration? Anyone and everyone who attempts to work at their appearance.

    6. What is your favorite song? Secrets by One Republic

    7. If you had an extra empty room, what would use it for? Workout room for sure

    8. What is your dream career? Director of major motion pictures/Writer/Author of Fiction novels

    9. What is your favorite movie? This changes periodically, but right now I’m all about Sherlock Holmes

    10. What is your favorite TV show? Supernatural

    11. What is your favorite food? Sushi!!!!!!!!


  3. citygirlvibe
    Aug 22, 2012 @ 15:44:50

    Yaaaay!!! Thank you so much for nominating me, I appreciate it. I will do this as my thursday post. Lots of love to you.


  4. Theadora Brack
    Aug 23, 2012 @ 11:38:51

    Congratulations, Bargain Diva!! Bravo. Your totally deserve the “Liebster” Award. I love your lists and alerts. Your layouts are always spiffy!! Theadora (And thank you!!)


  5. terribell85
    Aug 29, 2012 @ 12:22:15

    thanks for the love!! I appreciate it!!!


  6. jeweliette23
    Sep 26, 2012 @ 16:49:51

    Eeek I totally missed this. Thanks for the nomination!


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